Most people have seen the OUTSIDE of a Pioneer water tank, but have you ever wondered what they look like INSIDE?
Wonder no more – these images provide an insider view of a recently constructed Pioneer 500kl tank for bulk water storage.
The Australian made Industratex liner featured on this build can handle 10 x the amount of Chlorine than a conventional tank liner.
The main reason for liner failure over time is a direct result of Chlorine effects. Traditional tank liners are usually rated to withstand Chlorine at 5ppm, whereas the Industratex liner can handle Chlorine up to a whopping 50ppm, plus it comes with a 10 year product warranty. This feature makes the Industratex liner an ideal long-term solution for storage of treated mains water in shires, schools, parks, shopping centres – you name it.
Liners can also be custom manufactured to re-line existing water storage tanks.
Contact the friendly crew at your local Watertorque branch for more information.